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                          Our focus is advancing economic growth and enhancing our business climate 


The Lake Alfred Chamber of Commerce is a membership-based association of Polk County businesses, professional leaders and individuals working together to provide leadership which will aggressively promote responsible economic growth, employment opportunities, government and excellence in education and quality of life.


When you join the Lake Alfred Chamber of Commerce you are investing in our community!  We are your advocate.  We connect you with other businesses. We connect you with the important issues impacting our community.

To quote the Chamber of Commerce Pacesetter: “You are the Chamber of Commerce.  You provide the ideas, the drive, the goals, the funds, and the voluntary services to keep the Chamber doing what it does.  You are the Chamber, and without you there wouldn’t be any Chamber.  


Benefits to Joining the Chamber:

  • Formal recognition as a member of the chamber throughout the year

  • Membership identification for display in your business

  • Referrals by the Chamber

  • Opportunity to display information about your business in the lobby of the Chamber of Commerce, which also serves as the local visitor information center

  • Listing on the Chamber of Commerce website

  • Marketing and social networking opportunities throughout the year including Business After Hours, Lunch with the Chamber and more

  • Promotion of your business’s events and specials

  • Opportunities to sponsor local events throughout the year

  • Included on Chamber email listserv to stay updated on local happenings

  • Ribbon cuttings for grand openings and re-openings

  • Educational and consulting opportunities courtesy of the Chamber for members only


As a chamber member you will receive a free listing on our website, and a link to your business website.  Our monthly newsletter, ‘The Biz’ is emailed to members monthly – and we welcome you to submit your news to include in it. The chamber holds monthly breakfast, lunch, or business after hours events which provide speakers on timely topics and gives you the opportunity to network with other local business people.

Page background is a view of Lake Alfred

© 2024 Lake Alfred Chamber of Commerce

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